截止日期:2015 年 8 月 14 日星期五
Public Reading: September 11 (Fri.), 2015
公開排練會:2015 年 9 月 11 日星期五
Final Concert: October 31 (Sat.), 2015
決選音樂會:2015 年 10 月 31 日星期六
Official Website
*原報名費 NTD.1000 元,現代音協會員優惠價 NTD.500 元!
FYI below
(The English below is translated by the ISCM-Taiwan staff, for convenience)
宗旨 Goal
采風樂坊自2009年起,連續舉辦絲竹樂作曲比賽,主題分別為「五行」、「陰陽」及「山水」。本屆比賽為提供更自由的創作空 間,不限參賽主題,邀請各界投稿。期望藉由開放性思考,廣集全球音樂創作,發掘絲竹樂創作人才,鼓勵大眾為絲竹音樂創作新作品,推動絲竹音樂之發展。比賽採二階段制,更提供作曲者與演奏樂團雙向交流之機會,歡迎對於音樂創作有興趣的朋友踴躍參加。
The Chai Found Music Workshop (CFMW) have held many composition competitions since 2009, focusing on different themes (i.e. "Five Elements", "Yin & Yang", "Mountains and Water" etc.) each year. However, for more open thoughts and inspirations, and for the promotions of new sizhu music's creation, there is no indicated "theme" for this year's competition. This competition consists of two stages of evaluations to provide communications and collaborations between musicians and composers. We encourage you whoever are interested in writing music to join this opportunity.
參賽資格 Eligibility
This competition is open to composers at any age, and from any country.
The submitted work has to be newly written and has not received a public performance or been awarded in another competition.
The first-prize winners of this competition for the past two years are not eligible to submit.
獎勵方式 Awards
第一名:1名,新台幣三萬元 (含稅)。
第二名:1名,新台幣二萬元 (含稅)。
第三名:1名,新台幣一萬元 (含稅)。
佳 作:2名,新台幣三千元 (含稅)。
The jury committee will select the awarded pieces during the Final Concert. The prize winners will receive commission fees as follows:
The 1st Prize: NTD 30,000 (tax included)
The 2nd Prize: NTD 20,000 (tax included)
The 3rd Prize: NTD 10,000 (tax included)
Honorary Mentions: NTD 3,000 (tax included)
The organizer (CFMW) and the jury reserve the rights of any adjustment if needed.
作品編制 Instrumentation
1.笛 2.笙 3.琵琶 4.揚琴 5.阮咸或柳琴 6.古箏 7.二胡或中、高胡
The submitted piece needs to include at least three, up to seven sizhu instrument (1 person / each instrument).
Please follow the score order indicated below:
1. Di (Dizi) 2. Sheng 3. Pipa 4. Yangqin (Yangchin) 5. Ruan or Liuqin 6. Zheng (Guzheng) 7. Erhu or Gauhu / Zhonghu
評審委員 Jury
The organizer will invite professional composers / musicians / scholars to review the submissisons.
參賽程序 Competition Process
比賽徵件 Submission
繳件方式:參賽者須於 104 年 8 月 14 日(星期五)前,以掛號方式將應繳資料郵寄至采風樂坊:10459 台北市吉林路 101 號 B1(請註明:2015 國際絲竹樂作曲比賽),並主動來電 (02)2562-8726 確認。以郵戳為憑,逾期不受理。
Submissions should be sent by registered mail to the Chai Found Music Workshop no later than Friday, August 14, 2015 (post-mark date).
Title: 2015 CFMW Internation Sizhu Music Composition Competition
Address: B1, No.101, Ji-lin Rd., Taipei City (10459), Taiwan
應繳資料:Required Materials
- 報名表:請填妥報名表 (附件一,請於上方線上報名項中下載報名表) 各欄位資料,並親筆簽名。每位參賽者可提交 1 至 2 件參賽作品。若提交 2 件作 品,需填 2 份報名表。
Signed Application Form. Each participant can submit 1 - 2 works. Two application forms are required if submitting two works. - 報名費:請依所處地區自行選擇報名費幣別。
Registration Fee: 35 USD or 25 Euro. Attach a "cash envelope" into the score when mailing.
臺灣地區:ISCM 會員繳交參賽作品報名費每件新台幣 500元 整,非 ISCM 會員每件新台幣1,000 元整,每件可獲贈采風樂坊現代音樂出版品一張,報名費請以匯款方式繳納(匯款後需來電確認匯款帳號,電話:(02)2502-4960 陳小姐)。
匯款銀行:彰化銀行(銀行代碼 009)復興分行
帳 號:5258-86-013919-00
戶 名:采風樂坊 黃正銘
大陸地區:報名費每件人民幣 200 元。可自行選擇幣別,並以「現金袋」方式夾入樂譜中一同寄送。
其他地區:美金 35 元 / 歐元 25 元。可自行選擇幣別,並以「現金袋」方式夾入樂譜中一同寄送。
- 需繳交至少 3 分鐘之示範作品片段樂譜(含 5 份總譜及各樂器分譜各 1 份)並附電子檔光碟。如示範演出片段超過3分鐘或為已完成之作品,請先行標示約3分鐘之最能表現該作品主要創作理念片段。其中古箏分譜請加附「演奏位置譜」,範例如下:
Submit the scores (including 5 whole scores and 1 part for each instrument) of at least 3 minutes of an example passage, and a disc with digital files. If the work is more than 3 minutes or already finished, please mark a 3-minute passage that represents the composer's thoughts the best. For the Zheng (Guzheng) part, please also provide a transposed (fingering) score. An example is available below. (Fingering, Sounding, Tuning)
公開排練會 Public Reading
主辦單位將於 104 年 9 月 11 日(星期五)於「采風 101 表演廳」舉辦【示範作品片段公開排練會】,由采風樂坊排練示範片段,作曲家得於排練會中與演奏家交流意見,並於排練會中陳述其創作理念,及回應評審之相關問題。若參賽作品件數超過 12 首,則先以書面審查,選出 12 首後,再進行公開排練會。
評審將自參賽作品中決定入選作品,並於 104 年 9 月 14 日(星期一)於采風樂坊官網及 FACEBOOK 粉絲頁進行公告。
作品入選者須於 104 年 10 月 2 日(星期五)前繳交 6 至 8 分鐘之完整作品,逾期未繳者,主辦單位得取消其獲獎資格。
A public reading will take place on Friday, September 11, 2015, at the Chai Found 101, performed by the CFMW musicians. During the reading, the composers will be able to communicate with the performers, present their compositional thoughts, and respond to the jury committee's related questions. If more than 12 submissions are received, the jury will review the scores and select 12 works for the public reading session.
Any revision during the reading is prohibited, unless in extreme situation (i.e. a written register is not possibly playable).
The jury will select works among the submissions for the second stage. The CFMW will announce the selected works on Monday, September 14, 2015 on the official website and Facebook.
Selected composers are required to turn in a complete, 6 - 8 minute work no later than Friday October 2, 2015. Late submission won't be considered for the final prize.
決賽音樂會 Final Concert
入選作品將於 104 年 10 月 26 日到 30 日間進行排練(采風樂坊保有變動排練時間之權利),並於104 年 10 月 31 日(星期六)在「采風 101 表演廳」舉行之【決賽音樂會】中首演,會後將舉行頒獎儀式。
The selected works will be rehearsed during October 26 - 30, 2015, and then premiered on Saturday, October 31, 2015 in the Final Concert at Chai Found 101. The prizes will be given after the final concert.
注意事項 Notes
- 獲獎之作品,采風樂坊擁有首演權、三年期間內之演出權及采風樂坊為其作品出版有聲資料之權利。未來有關該作品之任何演出、使用及出版行為,均須註明為本比賽之獲獎作品。並統一由采風樂坊處理以上所有相關業務授權,作曲家不得自行授權,並由采風樂坊收取樂曲使用版權費,該費用分配方式將由雙方另立合約。
For the awarded works, the CFMW has the rights of premiere, performances, and recording publications for the first three years. Any future performance, usage, or publication of the same work is required to add this competition's winning information. The composer should contact the CFMW for any business related contracts. - 參賽者應遵守著作財產權相關法規,如有抄襲、臨摹他人作品或有侵害他人著作權情事者,由參賽者自付法律責任。獲獎者如有侵害第三人權益者應自行負責處理;如因此致本單位受損害時,應負賠償責任。本單位得撤銷或廢止其獲選得獎資格,並追回已撥付之相關費用。
The participants should follow all the copyright related laws. In any case unlawful use of the third party materials, the CFMW reserves the rights to retract prizes for plagiarized works. - 繳交之資料於活動結束後恕不退還,請參賽者自行備份或留存複本。
The submitted materials won't be returned. Please keep your own copy. - 采風樂坊聯絡方式:
地址:10459 臺北市吉林路 101 號 B1
電話:(02) 2562-8726
傳真:(02) 2562-8762
采風樂坊 Facebook 粉絲頁:http://www.facebook.com/ChaiFoundMusicWorkshop
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