About ISCM-Taiwan 協會簡介



本會以 ISCM-Taiwan Section(國際現代音樂協會台灣總會)之名加入「國際現代音樂協會 (International Society for Contemporary Music)」;國際現代音樂協會創立於 1922 年,於次年在薩爾茲堡開始舉辦年度之「世界音樂節」(World Music Days) 發表會員新創作品,現有六十餘會員國或機構組織。本會自1992年起加入,獲選於該年五月華沙舉行之世界音樂節演出潘皇龍《迷宮.逍遙遊 II 》與李子聲《亡國詩一》,至今已有卅餘首我國作曲家作品於歐、美、亞、大洋洲等各會員國主辦之世界音樂節中發表。近年獲選演出作品包括周久渝弦樂四重奏於 2011 年克羅埃西亞首都 Zagreb,此曲並榮獲 ISCM-IAMIC 青年作曲獎及獲委託創作新曲、趙菁文合唱作品《鑼鼓運動》於 2012 年比利時安特衛爾普、曾毓忠單簧管與電子音樂《狂想曲》於 2013 年維也納、趙立瑋弦樂四重奏《風山》於2014年波蘭 Wroclaw、及王建為單簧管獨奏《凝》於 2015 年斯洛維尼亞首都 Ljubljana

本會歷年來主辦或承辦過眾多音樂會、演講、座談會、作曲比賽與國際音樂交流等專業活動,並出版十餘張會員個人與合集作品雷射唱片專輯。本會主辦之年度定期音樂活動如下:與中華民國聲樂家協會合作近廿年之「現代聲樂作品發表會」;2010 年起委託會員創作新曲、首演發表並錄音出版;2012 年起策劃主辦「臺北國際現代音樂節」,除多場不同型態的會員作品包含世界首演的發表會外,音樂節陸續邀請瑞士單簧管大師 Ernesto Molinari、鋼琴家陳必先、日本鋼琴兼作曲大師野平一郎等舉行音樂會、呈現眾多世界當代經典作品之臺灣首演。

此外,由本會音樂家、指揮家會員與客席音樂家組成的本會附屬團隊「現代音協樂團」(Ensemble ISCM-Taiwan),多年來協助會務展演活動的推動成效斐然,不論是在受邀演出於亞洲作曲家聯盟年會音樂節,或是本會主辦之「臺北國際現代音樂節」,其對當代音樂展演能力獲得與會中外佳賓、作曲家們的高度贊譽。

本會為內政部立案之社團法人,發起人與首屆理事長潘皇龍教授,歷任理事長包括柯芳隆、錢善華、李子聲與馬定一教授,自 2019 2 月起為潘家琳教授擔任理事長(第十二屆、第十三屆)。凡認同本協會宗旨欲加入本會之作曲家、音樂家、音樂研究者或其他關注當代音樂發展者,歡迎與本協會秘書處聯繫。


理 事 長:潘家琳
秘 書 長:陳欣蕾



About ISCM-Taiwan

Founded in December, 1989, the ROC Society for Contemporary Music, which now represented as ISCM-Taiwan Section, as a member of The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM), is a non-profit corporation devoted to the promotion and presentation of contemporary music. Our mission is to promote the creation and development of new music in Taiwan, and to build international connections for interchange of musical arts and cultures. Our members consist of professional composers, performers, conductors, and scholars who devote to deep investigation in contemporary music.

The International Society for Contemporary Music (founded in 1922, whose honorary members include many significant composers such as Schoenberg, Webern, Hindemith, Bartok, Milhaud etc.) is a premier forum for the advancement, dissemination and interchange of new music from around the world, including more than 60 member organizations in over than 50 countries on every continent. Since our joining the ISCM membership in 1992, over than 30 works by Taiwanese member composers have been presented in the ISCM's annual World New Music Days, the largest showcase of diverse new music around the world.
Up to now, the ROC Society for Contemporary Music has organized or co-organized many professional new music events including concerts, lectures, forums, competitions, and international venues, and has published more than 10 albums of our members' works. Our annual events include: Concerts for New Vocal Works, which we've collaborated with the Association of Vocal Artists of ROC for over than 20 years, and Premiere and publication of new commissioned works since 2010. In 2012, we began our annual organization of the Taipei International New Music Festival, in which we invite international guests and present various types of concerts: including many Taiwan premieres of classical new music repertoire, and world premieres of our members' works. 

The founder, the first president, also the honorary president of ISCM-Taiwan, is Prof. Pan, Hwang-Long. Our previous presidents include Prof. Ko, Fang-Long and Prof. Chien, Shan-Hua, Lee, Tzyy-Sheng. The current president is Pan, Chia-Lin, since February, 2019.